Independence Family and Cosmetic Dentistry


Extractions in Independence, Missouri

Achieve Relief And Repair

If Dr. Roberson diagnoses you with a severely infected tooth too damaged for repair, or if you have experienced failed root canal therapy, consider the ways in which the prescribed extraction will improve your oral health and daily comfort.


What To Expect From An Extraction

If your tooth is too damaged for Dr. Roberson to save and repair with other restorative treatments, or if the tooth threatens your overall oral health, we will recommend an extraction.
An extraction is the surgical removal of your tooth. We will thoroughly numb your tooth and surrounding tissues before we begin.
Dr. Roberson will gently loosen the affected tooth. He will complete the procedure by removing the tooth with dental forceps. You may feel minor pressure during the extraction. However, you may rest assured that your comfort is our first priority.

The Advantages Of A Tooth Extraction

While Dr. Roberson makes conservative choices to protect your natural teeth, he may suggest an extraction because it offers you the best solution for improved oral health. Consider the following advantages of a surgical extraction:

    You preserve and protect the health of your entire mouth by addressing and removing a single diseased tooth.
    You can prevent further damage, such as an abscessed tooth, by choosing an extraction.
    An infected tooth that does not respond to root canal therapy will not heal on its own – an extraction offers you a way to restore your oral health.
    Enjoy improved daily comfort, and an ability to chew and speak comfortably.
    Once we solve the problem by removing your tooth, Dr. Roberson will create a customized care plan to replace your missing tooth – we offer beautiful dental prosthetics like bridges and dental implants.
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Independence Family and Cosmetic Dentistry

Your Dental Needs

If you have an infected tooth that proves unresponsive to root canal therapy, or a tooth damaged too greatly by other means, such as an impact or periodontal disease, Dr. Roberson will consider you a wonderful candidate for a tooth extraction.
If you have any questions about dental insurance or other payment options, please call our office at 816-350-0808.