Independence Family and Cosmetic Dentistry
When Dr. Roberson diagnoses you with a cavity, your best solution is to schedule a visit for a filling right away. This surprisingly simple, effective process offers beautiful results and restored oral health.
When you suffer from a cavity, you can restore your oral health and comfort by visiting Dr. Roberson and our friendly team for a dental filling. During a filling, we will numb your tooth and surrounding tissues.
Dr. Roberson will clean out the decayed tooth tissue and bacteria from within your tooth. He will polish the inside of the opening, which he will then fill with one of the following beautiful materials:
Choosing tooth-colored dental fillings will allow you to recover from tooth decay without a visible trace of ever having suffered from a cavity. Look over the additional following advantages of choosing a composite or ionomer filling with our team at Scott A. Roberson, DDS, FAGD:
Independence Family and Cosmetic Dentistry
If you suffer from a cavity but hope to avoid a dark, unsightly filling, our fillings offer you a wonderful solution. Because Dr. Roberson uses filling material that blends with the surrounding tooth tissue, rather than metal, you can expect a beautiful finished product.
If you have any questions about dental insurance or other payment options, please call our office at 816-350-0808.
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